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Club Registration

1. Log into Ideal Logic using your UCLA Logon ID.

We suggest bookmarking this website for future use. Ideal logic is the one-stop-shop for forms, paperwork, and payment for UCLA Club Sports.

You need to have your physical form (PPE) ready to submit when submitting the membership form.

2. Choose the “Student Home” tab on the left side of the screen.

Your screen should look something like this.

3. Click “Join a Club Sport” from the center menu.

Menu is highlighted in a red rectangle in the image.

4. Find “Archery” and click “Join Now”.

The sports are alphabetized so it should be right near the top.

5. Complete all of the required forms, review, and submit.

If you need to complete a physical, you can find more info here.

You will be asked to pay a $50 Club Sports Admin fee. This money goes directly to UCLA’s Club Sports office and helps to pay for their free giveaways, end of the year banquet and much more. You only pay this once per year and afterwards you can register for as many club sports as you like.

If you are not automatically directed to membership dues payment, check out our dues payment page.